Thursday, May 3, 2012

Authority in Business Structure Notes and Rantings

Do we really need to have to a control structure? Do you want to be in an authoritarian society? The larger the organization the more control you need. Unless you have a person using their social capital to create a mini mob (simple example) to accomplish their goals. For some odd reason I think of SOPA and PIPA. Great causes yet all those involved let another "cyber-security" bill fall by the way side (just as worse imo, but dont take my word for it). How do this people know, how do they achieve their goals without using the classically modern methods? Simple they all hate the same thing, conflict unites them.

What would a post-modern control structure look like? First define classic organizations, like the Army.
-- same language
-- same principles
-- obedience
-- centralization

A post modern control structure would like something that has a lack of managers, you would have to have to a radically democrat structure, in which people acted egalitarian.

People turned to hierarchy as solutions, for making a organization work. Now Ad hoc is becoming the new standard- things sprout up from nothing.

Social tagging in Flickr, how the cost from a centralized operation would be astronomical, where as distributed "working" simplified the process. histology, know is being addressed. Folksonomy, new word about organization. People volunteer and create something.

Chapter twos,

Professions to solve hard problems, give groups special permissions to manage certain aspects.

The internet is connecting people using tools and spreading things that are occurring in "near real time"
rather then waiting for a journalist to get there.

Tragedy of the commons, yet another reference, I am think that if I want to get a good grade I will most likely have to read it and incorporate said ideas into a paper/midterm, and most likely even have to get rid of all these run on sentences that appear every in this blog.

Shirky is an (closet) Anarchist! I know I liked him! No regulation for anything... oh wait this most likely won't work...

Network technology reduces the barriers to gov't, we can have a responsive gov't based upon the internet or network technologies. Shirky says [with networked technology everyone can be apart of (direct) democracy].

It means that e'erywun can become part of this gov't.

Oh yea, go take a look at my SCU Webpage,
If you want to know a little bit of my past life, go to (NSFW)

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