Friday, May 18, 2012

FML, wait F*** Kompozer

So its 10:30, and for some odd reason none of the links are working, in chrome when viewing my site.
10:31 Check Kompozer. Links work fine.
10:35 Load a local version of my site. Doesn't work at all...
10:36 Check Kompozer. Links work fine.
10:40 Remove all links. Add new links.
10:41Check Kompozer. Links work fine.
10:42 Load a local version of my site. Doesn't work at all, no idea what is wrong.
10:45 Delete all copies of pages and start from scratch.
10:55 Check Kompozer. Links work fine.
10:56 Consider shooting my computer.
10:57 Curse random gods.
10:58 Plead with gods.
10:59 Try to exorcise Kompozer's evil spirits. Refrain from putting water (blessed by me) on computer.. barely
11:00 Rename all files, re-upload.
11:01 Baby Jesus loves me, all pages are mostly working...

Apparently Kompozer just randomly stops working. Huzzah.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Tactical Media Project Proposal

There are so many ideas that are out there, but being a Veteran I wanted to do something that was connected with Vets. I was thinking of doing either a culture jamming project or a remix. There is a Veterans Day event going on the 21st of this month. Taking footage of the Q and A section that occurs combined with the current Presidents remarks should/could produce some interesting out comes. 

Some ranting’s/ramblings:

Proposal: Incorporation of Shirkys managementless organization focusing on, but not limited to suicide, as a major theme providing context, possibly encompassing live video footage, musical performance, and documentaries on issues that uncovered. Or something that sounds interesting and possible, why limit yourself.

How: TBD

End product: A unique slice of genres from culture jamming, mediated mobilization, and participatory journalism colliding with a 2-3min(ish) video project. By slicing parts into the whole pie, an oblique view is told by people who have experienced it.

Melding this with Leah’s project would be ideal, envisioning the shift from Vet to Vet suicides a simple refocusing, and with her expertise and drive this could be an outstanding collaboration (pending approval).

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Questions, Mr Skirky, Questions.

What does an organization without management look like?
               When answering this question you have to start with something. Dating back to the time before recorded time when humans were barely called humans, the need for survival was paramount. Everyone in the primitive hunter gather tribes was bound to the common cause of living for another day. As society in itself grew and the interactions between people became more complex, the focus of power became more centralized. As the concept and formation of "standard" social centralization grew so did the model of business centralization. A prime example of parallel social and business centralization is a medieval court. The King formed the center of society and business, his court was a product of both. However as the power shifted from the King to business and corporations, the model was still used. Central power wielded either from a ruling council such as a board of directors or a ruling individual like a CEO still clings to an archaic pyramid styled structure. The higher you rise the more responsibility and power an individual has.
               In this pyramid style structure the larger it is the more likely individuals are going to create minuature fiefdoms inside. As a product of the Industrial Revolution, specialization has influenced all faucets of business life. Fiefdoms represent a group of individuals working towards a common goal, but want to protect their interests and jobs within the institute. Eventually there is the possibly of these fiefdoms working against the overarching structure presenting the need for management. Management's sole function is ensure that the goals of the institution are being met by the working force. Thus towards the top of the pyramid is dedicated to nothing but management rather than producers.  But is there an alternative to that structure?
               Clay Shirkys' Here Comes Everybody poses the above question What does an organization without management look like? To escape the traditional "pyramid" style of management one that has been around for almost eternity, conceptually you would have to reach back to the very start of humanity. when survival was paramount. Humans were dedicated to survival, if an activity did not pertain to that goal it was discarded for the most part. The exact same thing needs to be stressed or instilled individuals preforming functions at the company. Only when individual's are united by purpose does the need for management recede. But it truly never leaves, human nature dictates that some individuals need to be led rather than be a leader.
               So in the end there can never be an organization without management, as long as human nature is involved.

Something to think about--->

We dont need a plan. A plan involes work. We need a mission statement. No work involved.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Authority in Business Structure Notes and Rantings

Do we really need to have to a control structure? Do you want to be in an authoritarian society? The larger the organization the more control you need. Unless you have a person using their social capital to create a mini mob (simple example) to accomplish their goals. For some odd reason I think of SOPA and PIPA. Great causes yet all those involved let another "cyber-security" bill fall by the way side (just as worse imo, but dont take my word for it). How do this people know, how do they achieve their goals without using the classically modern methods? Simple they all hate the same thing, conflict unites them.

What would a post-modern control structure look like? First define classic organizations, like the Army.
-- same language
-- same principles
-- obedience
-- centralization

A post modern control structure would like something that has a lack of managers, you would have to have to a radically democrat structure, in which people acted egalitarian.

People turned to hierarchy as solutions, for making a organization work. Now Ad hoc is becoming the new standard- things sprout up from nothing.

Social tagging in Flickr, how the cost from a centralized operation would be astronomical, where as distributed "working" simplified the process. histology, know is being addressed. Folksonomy, new word about organization. People volunteer and create something.

Chapter twos,

Professions to solve hard problems, give groups special permissions to manage certain aspects.

The internet is connecting people using tools and spreading things that are occurring in "near real time"
rather then waiting for a journalist to get there.

Tragedy of the commons, yet another reference, I am think that if I want to get a good grade I will most likely have to read it and incorporate said ideas into a paper/midterm, and most likely even have to get rid of all these run on sentences that appear every in this blog.

Shirky is an (closet) Anarchist! I know I liked him! No regulation for anything... oh wait this most likely won't work...

Network technology reduces the barriers to gov't, we can have a responsive gov't based upon the internet or network technologies. Shirky says [with networked technology everyone can be apart of (direct) democracy].

It means that e'erywun can become part of this gov't.

Oh yea, go take a look at my SCU Webpage,
If you want to know a little bit of my past life, go to (NSFW)

First and foremost 03MAY2012

03 MAY 2012 -
FIRST POST in class! Wooohoooo!